Saturday, December 28, 2019

Short Story - 1138 Words

Ambassador Pryce strode purposefully across the open walkways which meandered between each building of the Capital. His destination was the Senate Chamber, where the Senate met with ambassadors like him, petitioning them on matters of interstellar policy and law. The structure’s dome rose in majestic solitude above any nearby buildings and monuments. The tranquil beauty of the vast parkland ecosystem surrounding Pryce did little to calm his nerves, various scenarios of how the next few sensitive hours could play out repeating in his mind. Demanding a seat on the Senate wasn’t an option: Humanity was an officially recognized species in intergalactic space, establishing an embassy here in mere years. It is no secret that unfair gesture led†¦show more content†¦Though they held no official power, the three individuals who made up the Senate were for all intents and purposes the rulers of the civilized galaxy. The prospect of meeting them face-to-face was a humblin g experience, even for someone as politically savvy as humanity’s top ambassador. He knew enough to understand that the long elevator ride to the top of the dome had been carefully crafted to make visitors feel awed and overwhelmed long before they ever got to meet the Senate itself. In less than a minute he was at the highest point possible, his stomach lurching slightly at the deceleration as the elevator slowed, then stopped. Maybe it was lingering nerves. The doors opened, and he stepped into the long hallway that served as a waiting room to the Senate Chamber. At the end of the hall was a broad staircase leading up, with wide passages branching off to either side at its foot. One step at a time he climbed the stairs. As he ascended, the walls fell away, revealing the glory of the Senate Chamber. It resembled the Roman amphitheaters of ancient Earth, a large oval with seats for hundreds of spectators lining each side. Built into the floor on either end were raised platfor ms cut from some metal unknown to him. The stairs he was climbing right now would bring him to the top of one of these platforms: Humanity’s stage. From here he would look across the vast chamber to the opposite platform, where the Senate would be seated to hear his case. AsShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay about Analysis of Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes

Analysis of Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes Dreams are the driving force of America today. Every person has some sort of dreams and or goals. Although in life everyone has dreams and goals, there are obviously more struggles for some ethnic groups than for others. The poem, Dream Deferred, by Langston Hughes, is one mans expression of his dreams during a difficult time period. As a black man in a time period where African-Americans were considered an inferior group of people,dreams and goals would have been difficult to realize. Langston Hughes aptly expresses his frustrations in his poem, Dream Deferred. As people read this poem, in any time period, they can relate to the simple universal message that the poet†¦show more content†¦He starts answering his question with various similes, each seeming to represent what could happen to various dreams. Hughes asks ?Does it dry up / like a raisin in the sun(2-3), signifying dreams that are so old they are hard to recognize, childhood dreams that flame up at one stage of life and at a later stage are still sweet to remember. Each subsequent line seems to focus on a different aspect of unfulfilled dreams, yet each one is typical of the time frame of Hughes life. The words and phrases, ?Or fester like a sore?(4), and ?Or crust and sugar over?(7) are both symbolic of the hard manual labor that African-Americans had during the early 1900?s. Historical studies have recounted the work that many men did during this time period, in the cotton and sugar fields, or working with crops. ?Maybe it just sags / like a heavy load?(9-10) is a powerful illustration of a dream that sits within a person and weighs there making everything else one does never enough. Yet it also seems to relate again to the heavy work that men did during the time from of Hughes life. As the reader puts all of these illusions together, one?s own dreams and ideals are brought to the surface just as HughesShow MoreRelatedAn Analysis of Dreams Deferred by Langston Hughes685 Words   |  3 PagesImportance of Achieving Dreams It is true that people often dream widely and unrealistically. But some people dream about basic human rights such as dignity, freedom, liberty, equal rights, and access to education. Socio-economic and political conditions sometimes put people in dire situations where they do not have access to such fundamental human needs. For such people, achieving their dreams is especially important, as the shattering of their dreams may lead to the shattering of their lives altogetherRead MoreAnalysis of Dream Deferred by Langston Hughes Essay617 Words   |  3 PagesDream Deferred A dream is a goal in life, not just dreams experienced during sleep. Most people use their dreams as a way of setting future goals for themselves. Dreams can help to assist people in getting further in life because it becomes a personal accomplishment. Langston Hughess poem Dream Deferred is speaks about what happens to dreams when they are put on hold. The poem leaves it up to the reader to decide what dream is being questioned. In the opening of the poem the speaker usesRead MoreHarlem: a Dream Deferred1043 Words   |  5 PagesHarlem: A Dream Deferred Langston Hughes Literally Analysis Dreams are aspirations that we hope to reach on our lifetime. They are the day that gives us the drive to live our lives and accomplish our goals. When reaching our goals, we will do anything to get to our destination. But what happens when your dreams deferred and put on hold due to unseen circumstances? Or what do you so when someone tells you that you can not so the things you want to so because of the pigmentation of your skinRead MoreLiterary Analysis of Langston Hughess A Dream Deferred1028 Words   |  4 Pagescirculated, analysis of the poem must take place. It unveils and discusses the themes, figures of speech, word placement, and flow of the piece, and A Dream Deferred, is no exception. In Langston Hughess poem, A Dream Deferred, the theme is that no really knows to dreams if they are not reached, and very realistic figures of speech help convey this idea; the poem can be surprisingly related to Mr. Hughess life through the subtitle and quotes from Langston himself. The meaning of, A Dream DeferredRead MoreAnalysis of Harlem by Langston Hughes602 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of Harlem by Langston Hughes Through the turbulent decades of the 1920s through the 1960s many of the black Americans went through difficult hardships and found comfort only in dreaming. Those especially who lived in the ghettos of Harlem would dream about a better place for them, their families, and their futures. Langston Hughes discusses dreams and what they could do in one of his poems, Harlem. Hughes poem begins: What happens to a dream deferred... Hughes is askingRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Harlem 1303 Words   |  6 PagesJames Mercer Langston Hughes was an American poet; a Joplin, Missouri native and an active, versatile writer, earning acclaim as a poet, novelist, playwright and columnist. He was one of the first poets to explore an innovative sing-songy, stylized delivery called jazz poetry. As an African-American, his point of view, collectively synergized with this then-new literary art, catapulted his writings between the 1930s - 1960s. 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As a writer, a poet and a prominent activist of the civil rights movement, Langston Hughes was a man that was not only inspired by the world around him but used such inspiration to motivate others. Being that he was also one of the most influential writers during the Harlem Renaissance, Hughes held poetry demonstrationsRead MoreAnalysis Of A Raisin In The Sun1185 Words   |  5 PagesRaisin in the Sun is Langston Hughes poem called A Dream Deferred which was written as an example of life in harlem. The lines are a introduction to the white societys actions to take away equal opportunity from black citizens. Hughes main point is that there could be consequences when peoples frustrations build up or accumulate to the point where they have to either surrender their dreams or allow strenuous circumstances to literally devour their aspirations. With Hughes poem as a backgroundRead MoreThe Poetry Of Langston Hughes1498 Words   |  6 Pagescan be applied to the famous poet Langston H ughes, whom by expressing his feelings of oppression in a racist environment, motivated many blacks to learn how to read, play music, and revolutionize civil rights. As a result, this paper will critique how Langston Hughes’ works of Harlem and I Too encouraged Black independence, and how they were used as frameworks for revolutionary concepts such as the achievement of civil rights and social equality. Langston Hughes was an African American poet in the

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Creating and Maintaining Sustainable Relationships †MyAssignmenthelp.

Question: Discuss about the Creating and Maintaining Sustainable Relationships. Answer: Introduction: The marketing manager of the organization is responsible for the successful marketing of any new products to ensure profit out of the same (Duties of a Marketing Manager, 2017). However, the job of the marketing manager differs as per the categorization of the new products. For the really new products, the marketing manager has to do a thorough research on the current market in order to understand the target market and the demand of the customers and plan strategy accordingly. Again, for the new products in the existing new category the job of the marketing manager is comparatively easy, as because he/she only has to introduce the new products to the customers (Li et al., 2015). No new marketing strategy is required here as the customers are already aware with the product category. For the line extension of the existing products with new varieties is almost same as the previous one. Here also the marketing manager does not have to plan new marketing strategies, the only thing he has to do is to make the people know about the new variety of the existing products. The forecasting of the product demand refers to the prediction of the probable future demand of the new products based on the current trend and the potential events of the market as well as the organization (Lee et al., 2014). For the really new products the marketing manager must define the market which includes potential end users. The manager must consider the deep research within the market to predict the demand of the really new product (Duties of a Marketing Manager, 2017). Particularly, for this category of the new product, the demand forecasting must be assessed before the manufacturing of the products, in order to understand the exact and demand of the consumers in the market. For the second category, the manager must examine the demand of the existing category in the consumers, which will automatically forecast the demand of the new product in the existing category. Again, for the last category the demand of the existing product in the market determines the demand of the ne w verities in the same product (Li et al., 2015). The marketing manager only has to find out the demand ratio of the existing product in the customers. The markets of the business are of two types consumer market and the competitor markets. The competitors and the consumers are the two variables of the business market that determines the profit and the sustainability of the organizations in the market through the sale of their products and the service (Jensen, 2015). The consumer market is based on the demand of the products in the consumers, whereas the competitor market is based on the demand of the consumers of the brand or company as well as on the sustainability of the company in the market. The consumers are the chief component for the companies as the consumers decide the future sustainability of the companies in the market. In this way, the competitor market and the consumer market can be observed as similar. However, the competitor market is based within the industry where there are numerous competitors of a company (Bendle Vandenbosch, 2014). In other hand, the consumers market is wider and based on the different consume rs and the demand of the same. The competitor market is determined by the behavior of the competitor companies and the consumer market is determined by the consumer behaviors. The pricing, advertisement and distribution are the three major components in the marketing mix. For the soft drinks, the manager of the company plan pricing strategies according to the geographical segment as the company provides wide range of products (Hassan, Amos Abubakar, 2014). Whereas, the managers decide the pricing for the Smartphone app on the basis of customer demand. For the advertising, the soft drinks company (Cola) only focuses on the aspect of increasing demand, but the advertising of the Smartphone app must contain the feature and basic information about the app as the Smartphone app is in the growing stage unlike cola. Again, the distribution of the two completely different products is different from each. The soft drinks is one of the popular and common product in the market, hence the managers do not have to plan separate and new strategy for the distribution of the products (Jensen, 2015), whereas, the distribution of the Smartphone app requires special and effe ctive strategies to reach the product to the customers. Reference: Bendle, N., Vandenbosch, M. (2014). Competitor orientation and the evolution of business markets. Marketing Science, 33(6), 781-795. Duties of a Marketing Manager. (2017) Retrieved 2 October 2017, from Hassan, D. N., Amos, A. A., Abubakar, O. A. (2014). An evaluation of marketing strategies undertaken by Coca Cola Company as a multinational corporation in Nigeria. Journal of Business and Management, 3(2), 5-10. Jensen, H. R. (2015). Creating and maintaining sustainable relationships with customers in consumer markets. In Proceedings of the 1997 World Marketing Congress (pp. 631-635). Springer, Cham. Lee, H., Kim, S. G., Park, H. W., Kang, P. (2014). Pre-launch new product demand forecasting using the Bass model: A statistical and machine learning-based approach.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,86, 49-64. Li, M., Illner, R., Edwards, R., Ma, J. (2015). Marketing new products: Bass models on random graphs.Communications in Mathematical Sciences,13(2), 497-509.