Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Nonverbal Communication Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Nonverbal Communication Paper - Essay Example We use it almost in half of our communications daily subconsciously. We communicate nonverbally when ever we smile, gesture to come in, widen our eyes or clasp our face. We are unaware about it but use it to convey our emotions nonverbally. When speaking to an audience the speaker sends verbal as well as non verbal messages. The eye contact and gestures send messages of their own. â€Å"If the body language opposes with the words you are speaking the entire speech becomes worthless (Toastmasters int’l, 2011, p 3).† There are many biological factors on which the audience judges a person by many means other than the words being spoken. Facial expressions A person can unknowingly express a thousand words by facial expression. A smile or a frown express the extent of delight in the meeting nonverbally. As nonverbal gestures can vary throughout cultures but the smile, frown or a grunt are known to be the same globally. Gestures Intentional gestures such as waving or pointing or using the fingers to point out numbers are an important way to communicate nonverbally. Other gestures can vary according to regions. Paralinguistic This is another way to judge the speaker. The tone, loudness, pitches in the voice separates the actual tone being used otherwise. When the speaker uses loudness to emphasize on something it means enthusiasm and need for acknowledgement while a sullen voice would not be hesitant to point out the lack of interest by the speaker. Posture This apart from the speaker shows a lot about the listener. The body language shows exactly what is going on in the mind of the listeners, crossing the arms and legs would indicate as being in a defensive position while gazing at objects in the room around indicates that the listener has lost interest in the communication and is no longer attentive. Eye contact Maintaining eye contact is a symbol that means the speaker wants to be heard attentively. Blinking too often might send a message of feeling l ost and unsure about the situation. Every region or country has its own language, verbal and nonverbal. It is the traditions and culture that differentiates the nature of nonverbal communication. In America a handshake with a female or a male, means greeting the visitor warmly, while in eastern culture if a man shakes hand with a woman that may refer to harassment. â€Å"An American politician in his visit to a neighboring country once used gestures thinking to make a positive effect but actually emerged enraging the community (Hesselgrave & Culbertson, 1976).† In America people use gestures to convey their messages more than talking out loudly in public or when to pass on secrets. They usually make gestures with their hands and fingers or use facial expressions to communicate nonverbally. It is commonly notices in their films and other events of people using gestures when passing messages and not arousing curiosity of others around them. Also this is considered more appropri ate mode of communication between people who are present in extremely noisy places and are at a distance such as in concerts and clubs or huge gatherings where talking or shouting would seem pointless. â€Å"Sometimes young people have their own special gestures that only they and their friends understand.† (Gestures, n.d.). Some of the gestures might be used to communicate friendly messages while others may also be used

Sunday, February 9, 2020

UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZED CRIME Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZED CRIME - Essay Example In general, the organized groups in the US do not like to show themselves in public because this hinders their smooth operations. Although the US does not face any huge threats from organized crime groups at the moment, but the history shows that these groups can cause the state institutions to get into long and hard struggles. There are three types of groups which have criminal intent on the land of USA. FBI has categorized these groups as Eurasian organizations, Italian, and Balkan organized groups. Eurasian organized crime groups are associated with the individuals who originate from Russia and Eastern countries which were created after the collapse of the Soviet Union. These organizations have migrated to the US and are not home bred. Kidnapping, drug trafficking and frauds are the basic crimes the Eurasian organizations are into. The Italian organized groups are known as IOC groups in the US. The best known Italian group in the US is the Sicilian mafia. The main criminal activities that these IOCs are involved in are money laundering and sale of counterfeit products in major cities of the US. The Japanese society is not a crime free one for the citizens and the government. Although Japan is included in developed countries list, but the crime rate in comparison to the US is very low. Most of the criminal activity is performed by the organized criminal entity Boryokudan. Violence, its discipline, illegitimate activities and the organizational structure characterize this organized crime group (Huang & Vaughn, 1992). Since the war of Japan with the US, this group has gained a lot of power and is working on a high profile in Japan. Unlike the activities of the US crime groups their main activities in this era are to monopolize, go global, go to war with others, and racketeering. Since the 1980s the term of organized crime has spread in China like a wild fire. In 1998, almost 100,000