Saturday, May 16, 2020

Essay on We Need Same-sex Marriage Now - 1352 Words

We Need Same-sex Marriage Now Known to some people as a lifetime commitment of devotion, to others a promise to reside with a stranger, and even to some people as a union arranged by their parents, marriage is a widely varying ritual practiced all over the world. In the United States, marriage is a freedom of choice and an act of love, supported with benefits and privileges from the government. It has traditionally been the union of a woman and a man, made with the expectation of permanence and the aim of producing and raising offspring. Tradition, however, is beginning to change. The divorce rate is growing, there is an increase of step-families and single-parent families, and more and more couples are opting not to have children.†¦show more content†¦I dont know one American who would willingly surrender any of these rights ² (p. 45). Instead of legalizing homosexual marriage, many people are advocating a compromise -- the domestic partnership. Basically, a domestic partnership is a publicly recognized consent between heterosexual or homosexual couples to share the cost of living expenses. The consent also serves as a symbolic commitment to monogamy for many gays. However, many people qualify for the domestic partnership status under its vague specifications.  ³What constitutes a domestic partner? ² questions Brent Hartinger.  ³Could roommates qualify? A woman and her live-in maid? It could take an array of judicial decision making to find out ² (p. 57). This separate but equal attempt is, in truth, not at all an equal alternative to marriage. It is an agreement proposed by some cities to provide their unmarried municipal workers with bereavement leave and other benefits. However, the benefits offered are only a small part of the privileges entitled to married couples, and are available to only a small number of gay and lesbian couples in several cities. Furthermore, not only does a domestic partnership deny homosexual couples many rights, it is a statement that gay relationships are sub-normal, which is discriminatory. The widespread belief that homosexuality is Å’wrong causes many gays to live lives filled with alienation and separation from society. Often, these emotions arise whenShow MoreRelatedMarriage Law : The Legal Union Of A Couple As Spouses1642 Words   |  7 PagesMarriage is defined as the legal union of a couple as spouses. The elements of marriage include: (1) the parties legal ability to marry each other, (2) mutual consent of the parties and (3) a marriage contract as required by law. (Legal Information Institute, 2014, n.d.). In the United States, marriage law is regulated by the individual state. Standards such as age, residency, relation, mental capacity, and gender are requirements regulated on a state-by-state basis. 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