Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Major Categories Of Direct Practice - 1306 Words

I can competently implement, identify, and describe the four major categories of direct practice in my own practice. I can also competently articulate the correct application, focus, and desired result of direct practice theories presented in this chapter in my own practice. The first of the four major categories is psychodynamic theories, which attempts to connect the current problems a client is having to past traumas from an early time in life. The focus of psychodynamic theories is to translate insights into personality changes within the client. The second category is cognitive-behavioral theories, which connects the cognitive processes and their influence on behaviors and focuses on the present with hopes to improve the future. These theories focus on the current conditions of the client and identify distortions, beliefs, and misconceptions that contribute to the behaviors and symptoms of the client. The third theories are the humanistic theories which are theories concerned w ith the present time and consists of a therapist being authentic, genuine, and having positive regard for the client while conducting person-centered counseling. The fourth of the four major categories is postmodern theories, which are theories that belief that reality is subjective in nature and open to multiple interpretations influenced by personal experiences and values along with the social and political norms. Within the postmodern theories is narrative therapy and solution-focused therapy.Show MoreRelatedKindergarten Vocabulary : A Literature Review1488 Words   |  6 Pagesthese, vocabulary is often a major struggle for many children in kindergarten. Young children are often exposed to vocabulary through conversations, but not in a manner of teaching it explicitly. 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